Kingsthorpe Manor and Town Charity
Charity no. 239688
Contact details
Contact details
- Email:
- Tel: 01604876697
Public address
Public address
- Wilson Browne Llp, 4 Grange Park Court, Roman Way, Grange Park, Northampton, NN4 5EA
Aims & activities
Aims & activities
Income is applied for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the Ecclesiastical Parishes of St. John the Baptist and St. David, Kingsthorpe, Northampton.
What the charity does
What the charity does
- General charitable purposes
Who the charity helps
Who the charity helps
- Children/young people
- Elderly/old people
- People with disabilities
- Other charities or voluntary bodies
- The general public/mankind
How the charity works
How the charity works
- Makes grants to organisations